About HDRA

Heartland Dispute Resolution (DR) Association provides the following services to its members:

  • Training throughout the year on relevant DR topics
  • Online membership roster available to members only
  • Referral listing on the web site (at an additional fee)
  • Materials on “what is DR”

The HDRA is a not-for-profit 503c6 organization, that brings together individuals in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and surrounding states who share a common interest in DR Professionals as an alternate form of DR. The Association advocates for and provides education pertaining to DR; provides a network for information; skill sharing; and referrals.

Dispute resolution professionals are:

  • Persons who believe that disputants are capable of finding mutually agreeable solutions to conflict through dispute resolution
  • Persons with expertise in facilitating collaborative problem-solving
  • Aware that informal discussions are less intimidating than court appearances
  • Advocates for the resolving of disputes in ways other than litigation

Benefits of membership in HDRA are:

  • a professional listing in the membership roster on the membership page
  • training sessions throughout the year

Membership is open to any person involved in DR or interested in pursuing a career in DR. Click here to learn how to become a member.

Heartland Dispute Resolution Association
P.O. Box 14971
Lenexa, KS 66285
Phone: 913-956-7620
Email: Janet Lhuillier – Executive Director